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I understand that the information I receive from “Conscious Choices” and any of the practitioners, full time or part-time is on a counseling and supportive basis and is not to be mistaken or construed as a substitute for medical examination, diagnosis, or treatment. I fully understand that the practitioners at “Conscious Choices” are a support system for me to explore alternative and complementary care. I understand that at any moment get second and third opinions of my health situation and can discontinue working with any of the practitioners at “Conscious Choices” at any time for any reason. These counseling sessions are fully optional and elective by me.
I fully understand that all information shared between the client and practitioner is absolutely confidential and cannot be used in a court of law by either party. These counseling sessions are private and cannot be recorded by any device. All written notes belong both to the client and practitioner and I, as said client, can ask to read these notes at any time during the agreed upon counseling sessions.
I understand that the type of sessions that I am agreeing to are not conventional and may include but not be limited to energy work, sound and color therapy, and/or frequency treatments. Since these optional suggested therapies are completely elective by me, I understand that I may engage in them with full personal responsibility and will not now or in the future hold any of the practitioners of "Conscious Choices" responsible for outcome or damages. In so agreeing to these options for alternative therapies, I also understand that I will not in the present or the future take legal action against any of the practitioners of "Conscious Choices," nor will look to attach or be paid out monies if outcomes are less than desirable. The practitioners at "Conscious Choices" will do their best to maintain the safest and most effective alternative therapies for the public but cannot make promises on unproven therapies.