Ametrine is a combination of citrine and amethyst. They are very powerful stones that balance the male and female energies and work on the third chakra (manipura) and the crown chakra (sahasrara) at the same time. It also supports psychic abilities and psychic protection. Ametrine is a stone of abundance since it has citrine, which is a very prosperous stone in itself, but amethyst is also a very prosperous stone. You have both these qualities in one stone which makes it very powerful. It brings balance in spiritual attainment, helps worldly and spiritual achievements.
It’s a powerful activator for the manipura and sahasrara chakras. It really supports in transforming unhealthy energies. You can imagine having two stones in one. The healing properties that it has is balance because of male and female and at the same time this through the balance it dispels negative energies. That’s something you can really focus on while working with the stone. It clears deeper patterns, deeper addiction patterns, and gives you confidence to overcome these patterns or blockages. It also gives you the energy of possibilities and clear thinking.
The seventh chakra is very powerful when you have it open. It’s your connection to your creative source, male and female energies and it’s a strong reminder of your Source connection. Every time you get into this place of disconnectedness and you work with the ametrine, it connects you back, and at the same time to stay connected and confident to follow through with your commitments and do whatever you need to be doing.
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